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Support Survivors
We share our stories and empower others to confront the truth.
Together, we find healthy mechanisms for healing.

Protect Children and Adults at Risk
We advocate for stronger child protection laws. We engage legislators, MPs, and lawyers to do their job.


Hold Predators Accountable

We expose predators who threaten children and adults at risk; we expose those who shield predators.


Raise Community Awareness
We educate ourselves and the community, and work with local media regarding the effects of abuse.


About us

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP, changed the world. SNAP formed over thirty years ago to support survivors of clergy sexual abuse and protect children and the vulnerable. There are support groups in an international network of over 30,000 survivors and supporters in over sixty countries. Despite the word PRIEST in the title, SNAP has members who were molested by religious personnel of various religious denominations and secular organisations, and other institutions, and organisations such as Scouts etc.  Barbara Blaine founded SNAP initially to address the many victims who were sexually abused by Catholic clergy. She too was sexually abused, and realized that survivors of clergy abuse could help each other in peer support.


Since many survivors bury their memories for decades, justice is rarely achieved due to many reasons including proper access to legal assistance, the difficulties in the sometimes arduous process, psychological intervention, time lapsed since the abuse.  The survivor was not able to bring forth the allegation and tell their story even up to thirty years later.


SNAP has been a leading force in raising public awareness of sexual abuse and encouraging vigorous prosecution. SNAP is also actively engaged in promoting political reform of child protection laws where it is seen as necessary, and recognized as an authority on sexual abuse by media organizations worldwide. SNAP’s advocacy and activism is fuelled by volunteers supported by a small staff. There are local SNAP leaders in eight nations around the world, including Australia and New Zealand. The SNAP network is a non-profit organisation with international headquarters in St. Louis Missouri.  Being an independent self-help advocacy group for survivors of religious and institutional abuse, it is important that there be clear separations between SNAP leaders and church officials.  In summary it is the mission of SNAP to Support Survivors, Protect Children, Protect the Vulnerable, and Expose the Truth.

© 2021 by SNAP

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